Urgent need for books in Shughni-Dari translations image

Urgent need for books in Shughni-Dari translations

Preschool gives children a good start

$10,950 raised

$8,000 goal

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Learning to read in their native tongue gives children a better chance

School classes in the Shughni area of Afghanistan are taught in Dari only. When Shughni children get to school they must learn in, what is to them, a foreign language. Our friends in Afghanistan have come up with a solution. They have started a preschool in the Shughni area and they have asked us for 1000 each of the Hoopoe books by Idries Shah in Shughni-Dari bilingual editions. We need to raise $8000 to cover the costs of the printing. A very generous donor has already given $5,000 toward this effort. Please help us raise the rest!