Help us provide Hoopoe books to children throughout Afghanistan
Your donation will help to bring literacy to Afghanistan's children
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Almost 50% of Afghan children have no access to education
Our mission is to give Hoopoe Books in their native languages to as many Afghan school-age children, libraries and adult literacy classes as we can.
For more than Four decades, Afghanistan has been decimated by a continuous state of war. Fulfilling the literacy needs of Afghan children is crucial to the stability and progress of the country, yet Afghanistan’s ability to educate its children through these turbulent years is severely impeded.
- We are several years past the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012), yet the literacy rate for Afghans over 15 years old is only 29%.
- Afghanistan has the highest proportion of school-age (ages 7-12) children in the world.
- Almost 50% (5 million) of them have no access to education.
- An estimated 2/3 of the Afghan girls do not attend school and 87% of Afghan women are illiterate. – PBS NEWS HOUR December 2019.
The future for an Afghan child who can’t read is grim: crushing poverty, vulnerability to extremist beliefs, violence and low life expectancy.
You can help us to change this!